Custom Party Themes

Not finding the theme that you are looking for? We do custom designs!
Now, although we have a whole range of already designed themes, we specialize in creating new themes every day & also custom themes on request from our customers.
We know that it can be difficult finding the right theme for your little one’s party especially when they want a specific theme, like their favorite cartoon character, animal or pretend career. Because we know this can be a struggle to find, we put together the most talented & creative designers to do exactly that…. design & create new & completely custom themes!

Calling all superheroes! Dig in, Let’s get this party started & Fiesta like there’s no mañana! Sometimes you just gotta roar a little, Sparkle like a unicorn & I believe in fairies because you are One in a melon! With Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes...Houston we have a party!
Here are some of our latest custom theme designs:

 Toy Story

Toy Story, custom theme, custom party, custom party ideas, toy story theme, party theme 

Paw Patrol
Paw Patrol, custom theme, custom party, custom party ideas, paw patrol theme, party theme

Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom

 Ben & Holy's Little Kingdom, custom theme, custom party, custom party ideas, party theme


Butterfly, custom theme, custom party, custom party ideas, butterfly theme, party theme

Ladybug & Cat Noir

Ladybug & Cat Noir, custom theme, custom party, custom party ideas, Ladybug & Cat Noir theme, party theme

For more info or to order your unique custom party theme please contact us at

Gerdine Visser